Give today: 888-899-5722

We’re Nearly There…

The outpouring of support for All Classical Radio’s capital campaign has been so inspiring—and we are rapidly closing in on the finish line. At 87% to our fundraising goal, your donation right now will make a big difference. Together we are building a bright future for classical music and the arts in this region, and beyond, broadcasting from the heart of Downtown Portland. At KOIN Tower, All Classical will celebrate and uplift artists, connect communities, amplify youth voices, and strengthen the entire arts ecosystem in new ways, leveraging the impact and reach of this community-funded service for the greater good. From the microphones to the performance hall, it’s all made possible by you. We can’t wait to open our doors in fall 2024, and welcome you to the media arts center we have built together. We’re nearly there…

-Suzanne Nance, President & CEO, All Classical Radio



In May 2023, we announced our exciting plans to move to downtown Portland and launched a $10 million capital campaign. As of August 2024, 87% of the goal has been secured, with less than $1.5 million left to raise. This monumental progress would not be possible without early and generous investment from leadership donors and foundations who believe in the power of our airwaves.

Special thanks to our leadership donors who have contributed to this transformational project:

  • All Classical Radio Board of Directors
  • Anonymous (2)
  • The Brookby Foundation
  • Nancy Ives & Truman Collins
  • Stephanie Fowler
  • The Heatherington Foundation
  • Gregory F. & Mary C. Hinckley
  • Michael, Kristen & Andrew Kern
  • Ronni Lacroute
  • The Marcia H. Randall Foundation
  • Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
  • The M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
  • Oregon Community Foundation
  • Bonnie & Peter Reagan
  • Patricia Reser
  • The Reser Family Foundation
  • Robert & Barre Stoll

“Our benefactor, Jack Murdock, believed strongly in the power and potential of radio to bring people together, and All Classical Radio has been doing just that for forty years. We are thrilled to support their move to a new broadcast studio in the heart of Portland so they can continue to engage and inspire for forty more years, and beyond.”

-Lorin Schmit Dunlop, Senior Director of Arts, Culture & Education, The M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust


Make your gift to the campaign and ensure that the ON AIR sign illuminates at KOIN Tower! Thanks to our incredible leadership donors and foundation partners, we have secured 87% of the goal, but we need YOU to help us cross the finish line.

For more information, contact Allison Fuller, Director of Development:, 503-802-9412.

There are many ways to get involved…

STAY TUNED: Grand Opening this fall!

As the station moves in and establishes its new KOIN Tower headquarters, radio and streaming services will continue without interruption on both All Classical Radio and the International Children’s Arts Network. Following the move, All Classical will begin hosting events in its new facilities in fall 2024, including live Thursdays @ Three broadcasts, studio tours, recitals, concerts, and open houses.

Watch this space and tune in to All Classical Radio for information about the official grand opening at KOIN Tower happening this fall. Details coming soon!


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Our Sponsors

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Meet all of our sponsors  |  Become a sponsor

  • KQAC 89.9 Portland/Vancouver
  • KQOC 88.1 Newport/Lincoln City
  • KQHR 88.1 Hood River/The Dalles
  • KQHR 96.3 Columbia Gorge East
  • KQMI 88.9 Manzanita
  • KSLC 90.3 McMinnville
  • 95.7 FM Corvallis/Flynn