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Legacy / Planned Gifts

Support the future of All Classical Radio with your Legacy Gift

For nearly four decades, All Classical Radio has brought happiness, calm, inspiration, and comfort to listeners in the Pacific Northwest, and around the world through music. Your legacy gift today will ensure All Classical Radio’s service carries on for many years to come:

All Classical Radio’s mission is to advance knowledge of and appreciation for classical music, to build and sustain culturally vibrant local and global communities around this art form, to reflect the spirit of the Pacific Northwest, and to foster integrity, quality and innovation in all that we do.

In support of this mission, All Classical Radio:

Over 90% of the revenue needed to operate All Classical Radio comes from individual contributors.

Many of the most significant gifts nonprofits receive come from the estates of regular contributors who decide to share a portion of their accumulated assets through a will or bequest designation. Planned legacy gifts will help you make a lasting contribution, without affecting your current financial security and freedom.

Thank you for considering including All Classical Radio in your will or making a distribution of cash or securities from your IRA or Living Trust. If you have any questions, please contact Allison Fuller using this form or by calling 503-802-9412.

Ways to Support

One of the most satisfying things you will be able to do by taking time to plan your estate is to make decisions to benefit some of the worthy institutions and organizations you care about. You may choose to give a percentage of your estate, or all or part of what remains after all other bequests are made. Specific sums and other property are also welcome. The methods of giving listed below range from near to long term and offer multiple levels of support.

IRA Rollovers

A Tax-Smart Way to Support All Classical Radio! The IRA Charitable Rollover can provide you with an excellent opportunity to make a gift during your lifetime from an asset that would be subject to several levels of taxation if it remained in your taxable estate. Under the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 – now with no expiration date – donors over the age of 70½ can distribute up to $100,000 in a calendar year from an IRA to All Classical Radio or other charities, tax-free. This distribution to charity can be a significant benefit for IRA owners who are required each year to take minimum required distributions, which are included in their gross income for income tax purposes.

Gift of Securities

There are distinct income tax advantages of giving securities over cash, and the benefits are twofold: you will receive a deduction for the fair market value of the stock (up to 30% of your adjusted gross income), and capital gains taxes do not apply. Charitable gifts of appreciated securities make sense now more than ever.


A provision in a will for All Classical Radio allows for a substantial contribution without diminishing assets during one’s lifetime. Naming All Classical Public Media, Inc. (tax exempt ID 93-1042868) in your will or Living Trust is an easy way to make a timeless gift. You may choose to leave a specific amount of cash, securities, or other assets; a percentage of your total estate; or the residual assets after other commitments have been fulfilled. Since bequests for All Classical Radio are deductible from the estate, significant tax savings are possible.

Retirement Assets

Making a gift of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(K), 403(b), IRA, Keogh or pension plan is another way to benefit All Classical Radio and receive significant tax savings. Retirement plan assets are fully taxable when received by an individual beneficiary. Designating All Classical Radio as the beneficiary of a retirement account such as 401k, 403(b), IRA and other retirement accounts causes the charitable gift to be deductible for income tax or estate tax purposes.

Life Insurance

Donors can use life insurance to make a gift to All Classical Radio by naming All Classical Radio as the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. A donor receives a charitable income tax deduction based on the lesser of the policy's fair market value or the net premiums paid. Donors may also wish to make gifts of paid-up policies, resulting in a charitable income tax deduction for the policy's cash surrender value.

Life Income Gifts

Split-interest charitable gifts provide you and loved ones with a secure income stream for your lifetime or for a specific number of years, an income tax deduction in the year of the gift, and other tax benefits.

Charitable Remainder Trust

An Irrevocable trust that generates a potential income stream for you or your beneficiates, with the remainder of the donated assets eventually going to one or more designated nonprofit organizations. A portion of the trust qualifies for an income tax deduction. This option is great for multiple charitable beneficiaries. It allows for the donor to change the named beneficiaries and change start/stop time frame.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a contract with a nonprofit organization, in which you provide a gift, usually in cash or marketable securities, and in exchange the nonprofit guarantees you income for life. The advised minimum is $25,000. Charitable gift annuities are considered on a case by case basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered on this page, or would like to discuss your ideas or plans for making a Legacy Gift to All Classical Radio, please contact Allison Fuller using this form or by calling 503-802-9412.

What is a will?

A legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her possessions after he or she dies.

Do I really need a will?

Yes. Every adult can and should leave instructions as to what will become of his or her property. In the absence of these instructions, state laws take over and your property may be distributed to distant relatives, or, if none are found, possibly to the state itself.

What if I already have a will?

Your will may be just fine as it is, but many people find that changes in circumstances may affect their plans. Marriages, births, deaths, divorces and other changes, such as moving to another state, are all good reasons for reviewing your plans. If you would like to leave part of your legacy to worthy causes and institutions, including All Classical Portland, this may be the time to take action.

Is my will private?

Unless you choose to share it, it will remain private. Wills generally become part of the public record available from the court after death. Trusts, on the other hand, can remain confidential.

If you choose to remember All Classical Radio in your plans, we welcome your letting us know so we may say “thank you!” If you prefer, we will keep the fact of your bequest intention confidential. We understand fully if you prefer not to share specific amounts, or if you have no way of knowing what might be left over for your charitable gifts.

What is an estate?

Possessions, Property; the assets and liabilities left by a person at death.

But I don’t really have an "estate"

If you take time to record all the property you own, you may be surprised to see that it begins to add up. And, if you have particular items that you would like to go to certain individuals, your will can help. Regardless of the size of your estate, you can benefit by taking the time to see an attorney and having a simple will drafted.

What is a trust?

A relationship between parties in which one, the trustee or fiduciary, has the power to manage property, and the other, the beneficiary, has the privilege of receiving the benefits from that property.

What is a Living Trust?

A trust that becomes effective during the lifetime of the settlor —called also inter vivos trust.

There are two types of Living Trusts:

  • Revocable: You can make changes or revoke the trust at any time.
  • Irrevocable: After the assets are given away, you no longer have control.

Can All Classical accept gifts of Real Estate?

We are often able to accept gifts of Real Estate, but each situation must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about how we partner with Giving Property to accept Gifts of Real estate on our Real Estate Donations page, or call 503-943-5828 to discuss your options.

Can All Classical accept gifts of art?

It is difficult for All Classical Radio to accept works of art, furnishings, antiquities (and the like) as we are broadcasters, not dealers in art. However, decisions are made on a case by case basis with the donor.

What do I put in my will?

Here is some suggested language:
“I devise to All Classical Public Media, Inc., an Oregon Nonprofit Corporation (EIN 93-1042868), 222 SW Columbia St. Suite 300, Portland, OR 97201, the sum of $________ (or the ______% of the estate) (or all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate or trust) to be used for carrying out its classical music mission.”

For More Information

There are many ways to plan special gifts for All Classical Radio and your other charitable interests. Whatever your plans may be, we encourage you to call or write for more information, without obligation.

Please contact Allison Fuller for more information:

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Oregon Community Foundation
Logo: Pearl Bakery
Logo: Art in the Pearl, Fine Arts & Crafts Festival

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  • KQAC 89.9 Portland/Vancouver
  • KQOC 88.1 Newport/Lincoln City
  • KQHR 88.1 Hood River/The Dalles
  • KQHR 96.3 Columbia Gorge East
  • KQMI 88.9 Manzanita
  • KSLC 90.3 McMinnville
  • 95.7 FM Corvallis/Flynn