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Underwriting & Sponsorship

Connect your business with the ultimate audience:
All Classical's loyal listeners.

Reach into the homes, offices, and automobiles of the most well-positioned, influential and community-minded audience in the Pacific Northwest.
Sponsor All Classical Radio today.

Unrivaled Opportunity

Every year, more and more businesses become sponsors of All Classical Radio. That’s because sponsorship connects your brand and messaging with over 250,000 discerning listeners in Oregon and SW Washington. This audience will not only appreciate your support of the arts; many will become your loyal customers too.

If you’re looking to gain wider impact for your brand, All Classical Radio’s digital platforms reach streaming listeners and online users across all 50 states and in over 100 countries around the world.

Become a Sponsor

Performance hall full of people watching a video on a large screen
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Become a Sponsor

The perfect package for you

With a full range of sponsorship opportunities to choose from, you'll find a partnership package that's perfect for your organization.
Once you become a sponsor, you'll find our audience to be active, well-educated, locally-minded – and increasingly engaged with you.

Explore Sponsorship Opportunities

Outstanding Performance

All Classical Radio is recognized for high-quality music and arts programming across all 7 of our radio stations. Sponsors report similarly impressive performance. Whether you choose to support a specific radio program, or opt for a high impact general sponsorship package, sales growth and increased brand recognition will be the outcome.

Brandi Parisi smiling in radio studio surrounded by people

Digital Impact

Visit and see for yourself what a vibrant community we support with our website and digital platforms. Organizations and businesses that believe in the arts can connect with All Classical’s 35,000+ email subscribers and social media followers. Sponsors receive thousands of monthly impressions through our events calendar spotlights and business sponsors page. Isn’t it time you joined them?

Become a sponsor

A youth orchestra sitting under a brightly lit screen

Annual Website Engagement

250k Active Users 753,556 Sessions 1.1M Page Views
For more information please contact:
Underwriting & Sales at 503 802 9417 or

Current Sponsors Include

Plank and Coil logo
AniChe Cellars
logo: the horswell collection, Windermere Real Estate
Logo: Roseline Coffee

Meet all of our sponsors

  • KQAC 89.9 Portland/Vancouver
  • KQOC 88.1 Newport/Lincoln City
  • KQHR 88.1 Hood River/The Dalles
  • KQHR 96.3 Columbia Gorge East
  • KQMI 88.9 Manzanita
  • KSLC 90.3 McMinnville
  • 95.7 FM Corvallis/Flynn