Arts Blog

John Pitman Review: Sharon Isbin’s “Souvenirs”

Guitarist Sharon Isbin has recorded nearly everything in her instrument’s repertoire. Still, it’s refreshing to hear that, when an artist such as Ms. Isbin revisits a work (such as the Vivaldi D Major concerto), she gives us an interpretation with subtle differences from what came before. On “Souvenirs of Spain and Italy”, Isbin partners with Pacifica Quartet, so the Vivaldi has an especially intimate feel to it. The disc also sheds light on works that have stayed in the shadows somewhat. The Quintet by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco is such a work. Turina’s “Bullfighter’s Prayer” and Boccherini’s Quintet with the Fandango finale (complete with castanets and tambourine) give us a well-rounded tour of the Iberian and Italian peninsulas.
SouvenirsSharon Isbin, Pacifica Quartet BUY NOW

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