Arts Blog

Notorious RBG in Song

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has always loved classical music.  Especially opera.  More than once, people have captured her on their camera phones at Santa Fe Opera (you can find this on Facebook and You Tube).  Now there’s a CD that sets her words, and those of friends and family to music.  Soprano Patrice Michaels records for the Cedille label (based in Chicago).  She’s married to James Ginsburg, Justice Ginsburg’s son.  James also happens to be the founder of Cedille.  So, this remarkable project is really a family affair!

The CD’s title, “Notorious RBG in Song” refers to the nickname given by Justice Ginsburg’s fans, particularly a group of law students who started a blog (and a rap) a few years back when an aspect of the Voting Rights Act was being challenged.  Ms. Michaels, also a composer, set that event to music, as well as some humorous letters, and very inspiring correspondence by men who saw great potential in the young clerk’s life back in the 1940s and 1950s.

“Notorious RBG in Song” plays like a musical photo album, as it sets to music words of encouragement, thoughtful arguments, and even dissenting opinions, from the many years of service by a woman who continues to inspire young people to express their own opinions and commit to making a difference.


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