
I want to talk to the announcer who is on the air, how do I reach them?

You can send a message via our contact form and we will make sure to share the message. Phone calls are not accepted by announcers at any time during their shift on the air; they need to be able to focus on the music, and you–our listeners! If you would like to leave a voicemail for an announcer, you may call the station’s main line at 503-943-5828.

What is your address and telephone number?


All Classical Public Media, Inc.
222 SW Columbia St. Suite 300
Portland, OR 97201

How do I visit All Classical Radio?

Click here to learn more about All Classical’s new Media Arts Center and sign up for a tour.

What is the relationship between Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) and All Classical Radio?

We are independent organizations and do not share any staff, programming or funding resources. All Classical Radio does not receive any monetary support from your contributions to OPB. That said, All Classical Radio and OPB do cooperate and trade equipment occasionally, especially for our repeater stations.

How is All Classical different from Commercial Radio (and why do you say you are “noncommercial” but I hear businesses mentioned all the time)?

Commercial radio is for-profit and frequently broadcasts corporate-driven playlists and pre-recorded commercials. Not-for-profit radio is community based, community funded, and driven by listeners and supporters. As a noncommercial station, we cannot and do not broadcast qualitative or quantitative language, or call-to-action based announcements. When you hear businesses mentioned on All Classical Radio, we are following strict FCC guidelines for duration and wording that complies with our not-for-profit status. The businesses that support All Classical Radio do so precisely because we are a noncommercial, community-based, independent non-profit and our values resonate with theirs and their customers’.

How do I volunteer at All Classical Radio?

You can find out more about volunteering at our Volunteer page.

Can I donate my classical LPs, CDs or Tapes to the station?

At this time, All Classical Radio is unable to accept donations of CDs. This page will be updated if we are able to accept CD donations in the future. We no longer have the resources to process donations of long-playing records or audio tapes.

We recommend reaching out to Irvington Music, who may be able to accept your items. Based in Gaston, Oregon, Irvington Music buys record collections (including older formats such as 78 rpm records) from individuals. A representative typically visits the person’s home, peruses the collection and either select recordings of greatest value, or quotes a price and purchases the entire collection. Their website includes an FAQ page for more specific questions. Learn more at www.irvmusic.com, email irvmusic1990@gmail.com, or call 503-319-1573 (alternate phone: 503-985-7262)

Can I buy CD’s and other merchandise from All Classical Radio?

Absolutely! A large selection of All Classical items are available for purchase in our online store at shop.allclassical.org.


Who are the hosts?

Classical music is provided to our listeners 24-hours a day by our team of All Classical Portland hosts. Our team of hosts includes: Suzanne Nance, John Burk, Andrea Murray, Brandi Parisi, John Pitman, Warren Black, Edmund Stone, Christa Wessel, Adam Eccleston, Raúl Gómez-Rojas, Leb Borgerson, Dylan Bodnarick, and Coty Raven Morris.

Hosts on our second channel, ICAN, include Sarah Zwinklis and Steven Joinson.

If you would like to know when your favorite host will be on the air, please visit our program schedule.

How do I find out what music you played?

You can find the name of any piece of music that we have recently played by checking out the Playlist page on our website.

How can I find out what programs are scheduled to air and when?

Visit our Programs page to read all about our programs and when they air.

How do I get my event talked about on your station or listed on your online events calendar?

If you are a business that would like to hear us talk about you on air (who doesn’t like to hear their name on the radio?), contact Eric Behny, our Director of Corporate Sales for information on becoming an underwriter. If you would like an event listed on our online cultural events calendar, fill out a form on our Submit an Event page.

Can I send you my music to play on air?

Music may be submitted digitally, and our Music Director will review the recordings to see if it will fit in with our sound. To submit music for consideration, please use the Hosts and Programming contact form and include a link to stream the music you would like us to review (e.g. YouTube, Soundcloud). We will contact you to request high digital downloads if we wish to add the recordings to our playlist. We respectfully request that you do not send physical CDs to All Classical Radio for consideration.

Does All Classical Radio air public service announcements?

We do not air public service announcements, however, we leverage community donations to create and maintain a free online events calendar, a significant part of our public service, which helps smaller organizations get the word out.

How much of my donation actually pays for the programs I listen to?

According to our auditors, about 64% of our revenue goes directly related to programming expenses. The infrastructure and support staff funded by the remaining portion of our budget is required to keep All Classical Radio on the air, providing the highest quality radio service and community programs. Your donation is critical to All Classical Radio’s service, both on and off the air.

How do you decide what music to play?

Director of Music and Programming John Pitman leads the programming staff in selecting individual pieces for our playlist. The whole team gets to participate in the process of finding music to add to our ever-growing library.

Once a piece is in our library, we use a software program to assist with scheduling the music. The software, which replaces an old card catalogue system, helps us to avoid repeating a piece too often, creating variety in an hour, and making sure pieces are a good fit for the time of day. With over 45,000 individual pieces of music from over 800 years, this powerful tool is a necessity–no truly professional music station can function without it.


How do I update my contact information or automatic payment information?

Please visit our donor portal, email support@allclassical.org, or call 503-943-5828 to update your information. For your security, please do not send payment information by email.

Why did I receive a donation request when I’ve already made my contribution?

Thank you for supporting All Classical Radio! Sometimes, the donation you’ve sent us is received after we have mailed out a donation request, so the two have crossed in the mail. If you would like to update your communication preferences, wish to receive fewer mailings, or think you have received a request in error, let us know by calling 503-943-5828 or emailing support@allclassical.org.

What is a sustaining contribution?

A Sustaining contribution is a way to provide ongoing and reliable support for the music you love and enjoy. A Sustaining gift in any amount helps All Classical Radio maintain a healthy financial position and continue providing this vital service to our community. Sustaining contributions are also much more efficient (less paper and administrative costs), and can be set-up on a credit or debit card, direct bank account withdrawal, or through your bank’s online bill pay. You choose the amount you want to contribute each month on an ongoing basis, and your contribution will continue until you ask us to make changes. You never have to remember when to renew, and we are always here to help if you have any questions or adjustments. Every Sustaining contributor we gain brings us closer to the goal of reducing the length of our on-air fundraisers–helping us get back to the music! Learn more about becoming a Sustaining contributor on our Support page.

What is the minimum amount I need to contribute?

Your contribution in any amount will make a difference to All Classical Radio! Our noncommercial radio service is free and accessible to all listeners, and we understand that our listeners have a wide range of resources, and may be able to contribute at a variety of different amounts. When you contribute to All Classical Radio, your gift directly supports the service, and gifts in any amount are accepted online, by mail, or by phone. Learn more about ways to support All Classical Radio on our Support page.

Why should I be a contributor to All Classical Radio?

All Classical Radio is a nonprofit community funded radio station. That means we rely on our generous listeners and supporters to make the music possible. Over 95% of the funds required to continue broadcasting classical music and serving our listeners come from community support. We couldn’t do this without you! As an independent noncommercial radio service, we do not receive or share funds with any other radio stations or public media services. If you love the music, we hope you will consider supporting it with a tax-deductible contribution. There are many ways to support the station–cash gifts, vehicle donations, stock transfers, planned bequest giving, and more. Learn about how you can make a difference to All Classical Radio on our Support page.

How many contributors does the station have?

We have an average of 15,000 contributor households.

How many fundraising drives do you have each year?

We have three on-air fundraisers per year for our operating expenses. We do our best to spread them out and have one in the spring, one in the summer, and one in the fall. Occasionally we will do a one-day fundraiser to kick off a fundraising season. The total number of days dedicated to raising funds on the air is around 30 per year.

Is my donation tax-deductible? What is your tax ID?

Yes! All Classical Radio is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations to All Classical Radio are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our federal tax ID # is 93-1042868.

How can I support All Classical?

Tune in, and tell your friends and neighbors why you love All Classical Radio! Our listeners are our community ambassadors, and we need your help to grow our audience and bring in new donors. You can also contribute to All Classical Radio. Your tax-deductible gift in any amount, at any time of year, will support the music and service you love and rely on. You can make a gift online, by mail, or by phone at 503-943-5828. You’ll find information about other ways to contribute to All Classical Radio on our Support page. Another way you can support us is to give your time as a volunteer.

How much of your funding comes from the government?

We receive an annual Community Service Grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which makes up less than 10% of our annual operating income. In addition to supporting All Classical Radio’s general operations, this small grant helps us create and distribute The Score with Edmund Stone. All Classical Radio also periodically applies for funding through other local, state, and federal government agencies.

How is All Classical Radio funded?

Over 90% of our funding comes directly from the communities we serve: listeners, local businesses, and regional foundations.

Radio Reception

What is HD Radio and how do I use it?

HD radio is a relatively new technology that enables AM and FM radio stations to broadcast programs digitally. These digital broadcasts provide improved audio quality and reception to listeners. To hear an HD radio broadcast, you’ll need an HD Radio that is tuned to the station in your area that is sending an HD Radio broadcast. HD radios range from $50 to $500 and are available for purchase at most electronics retailers.

Do you have an app?

Yes! You can have full access to All Classical Portland when you’re on the go with our free app for iOS, Android, and Amazon devices. Check out our Mobile Apps web page for more information.

I missed my favorite program, can I listen to it online?

Yes! Visit our Audio Archive page to find a two week selection of some of our programs.

How can I listen to All Classical Radio online?

You can listen to All Classical’s live stream online by clicking the “Listen” button found at the top of every page on allclassical.org. Doing so launches a pop-up web player that streams our live broadcast 24/7.

You can also access the stream through streaming media players: Windows Media Player, iTunes, WinAmp, or VLC. (Please note that you may have a default player setting on your computer that will override your own selection of how you’d like to listen to the stream. These default settings can be changed by accessing your operating system preferences or options).

Check out our Help web page to find the streaming player links and more information about online listening.

Why can’t I hear your station at my house but I can get it in my car?

Your car is moving which allows reception to self-select and improve as you weave through the very cluttered broadcast signal environment. Some strong stations elbow other stations out. So it is a proximity issue. Also, the Portland area has lots of tall trees and a rolling terrain which can make for inconsistent radio reception. If you have internet access we recommend listening via our website. More tips on improving radio reception can be found on the Radio Tuning Tips web page.

Our Sponsors

Oregon Beef Council logo
Albina Holdings logo
Logo: Creo Chocolate

Meet all of our sponsors  |  Become a sponsor

  • KQAC 89.9 Portland/Vancouver
  • KQOC 88.1 Newport/Lincoln City
  • KQHR 88.1 Hood River/The Dalles
  • KQHR 96.3 Columbia Gorge East
  • KQMI 88.9 Manzanita
  • KSLC 90.3 McMinnville
  • 95.7 FM Corvallis/Flynn