Arts Blog

Announcing Emily Cole & James Shields as 2024/2025 Artists in Residence

James Shields & Emily Cole, All Classical Radio's 2024/2025 Artists in Residence, photo by Frankie Tresser
Photo by Frankie Tresser

We are thrilled to name violinist Emily Cole and clarinetist James Shields as All Classical Radio’s 2024/2025 Artists in Residence. Both James and Emily are esteemed musicians, known in the Pacific Northwest and across the country, and we are excited to showcase their artistry on the air and beyond. As part of their residency, they will participate in exclusive performances, interviews, and special events with the station, offering listeners a deeper look into their creative process and musical journey.

Emily and James are celebrated members of the Oregon Symphony and enjoy careers as chamber musicians. Read their full bios, and learn more about All Classical Radio’s innovative residency program for young and professional artists, on our Artists in Residence page.

“For the first time since the program’s launch in 2019, All Classical Radio is thrilled to invite two Artists in Residence,” says Kristina Becker, the station’s Communications & Operations Manager, who oversees the program. “We are honored to celebrate and support Emily and James – a dynamic husband-and-wife duo whose artistic achievements and commitment to music and education are beautifully aligned with All Classical’s vision and values.”

Read All Classical’s full press release for more information.

Thursdays @ Three

James Shields & Emily Cole, All Classical Radio's 2024/2025 Artists in Residence, with host Christa Wessel

Emily and James will kick off their residency with Christa Wessel on October 10, 2024, on Thursdays @ Three. Tune in for this special program, which will include performances of music composed by James himself, and conversation more about what it means to be a performing artist in Portland today, and a resident artist at All Classical Radio.

Listen at 89.9 FM in Portland or worldwide via the live player on our website.

Q&A With Emily & James

James Shields & Emily Cole, All Classical Radio's 2024/2025 Artists in Residence, photo by Frankie Tresser
Photo by Frankie Tresser

We caught up with our new Artists in Residence to get to know them a little better. Read on for their responses to some of our questions.

Can you please tell us how you felt when you first heard the news that you were chosen as All Classical Radio’s 2024/2025 Artists in Residence and what this residency means to you?

James: I was very excited! All Classical is such a fantastic station, and many folks who work here were already familiar members of my community. It seemed like an exciting opportunity and I had specific projects that I thought might tie into All Classical’s mission in interesting ways.

Emily: I felt (and continue to feel!) deeply honored that All Classical would want me involved with the station community in this capacity. Being given the opportunity to collaborate with James on shared projects on behalf of the station is a dream!

What does All Classical Radio mean to you? How would you describe the station to someone who is not familiar with it?

Emily: I’ve been listening to All Classical since the moment I first moved to Portland in 2011. I scanned the radio waves, found the classical music station, and that was that. Since then, I’ve volunteered during fundraisers, gotten to know the on-air hosts, performed on Thursdays at Three, and been involved in the Recording Inclusivity Initiative, not to mention logging hundreds of listening hours in the car and at home! I truly can’t imagine my musical life in Portland without All Classical Radio.

James: All Classical is the station that we listen to most often in the car and around the house. It’s a place where we expect to hear a wide variety of classical music, ranging from internationally renowned recordings to live local performances featuring our friends and colleagues. The station and the hosts are very accessible to the public and to performing musicians in Oregon, which sets All Classical apart from other stations.

What do you hope to accomplish with this residency?

James: I’d like to focus in part on activities that involve both Emily and me together, for instance, an on-going composition project that I’ve been working on which focuses on expanding the repertoire for Violin and Clarinet. I’m a composer myself, and I’ve completed around 15 new duos, many of which we have recorded this summer. I hope to approach some other composers about adding works to this project.

I’d also love to try and share my own personal experiences as a musician, including the good, bad, and ugly. Of course, musicians face pressures to present a “curated” version of ourselves to the public. However, as artists I think we have a duty to show all sides of our humanity, because art deals with the full range of human emotions. I’d like to discuss and write about the up and down relationship I’ve had with my instrument and music over the years, and what it takes to keep the passion alive through the various successes and failures one encounters on the journey of crafting a life in the performing arts.

Emily: I’m so looking forward to collaborative opportunities within the All Classical community, including with the Young Artist in Residence and ICAN. James and I plan to be present both in person and over the airwaves, and we are especially excited about helping to celebrate the opening of the James DePreist Recording Studio!

You are involved with a few organizations who champion works by women and musicians of color in your performances. How important is supporting works by underrepresented musicians for you?

Emily: With my string quartet, mousai REMIX (with violinist Shin-Young Kwon, violist Jennifer Arnold, and cellist Marilyn deOliveira), I’ve been fortunate to study and perform works by underrepresented composers from the past as well as a diverse array of composers working today. It’s been a rich experience for us over the years, and it’s rewarding to know that each and every performance expands the music’s reach.

James: I think classical music is still very much in a time where we need to focus consciously on diversifying our repertoire. It would be great if this could be a more subconscious process, but I think we’ll need to put active attention towards performing more works by underrepresented composers for at least a few more generations. Things are changing in a more positive direction though. Little by little the conversations musicians tend to have about “oh, have you heard so and so’s music?” or “you gotta check out this piece” are shifting to include more and more works by folks who aren’t dead, white, European males. This is a welcome change, and we need to make sure this trend continues.

Our Artists in Residence often mentors our Young Artist in Residence and youth ambassadors. Do you have any advice for young musicians just getting started in their musical career?

James: Focus on what you love most of all, and listen to lots of music. Be openminded about where your career might lead you. There are many ways to be a professional musician, and some activities will be a better fit for you and what you are most interested in will shift over time. I have been fortunate to have a diverse range of interests, ranging from composing, teaching, orchestral performing, chamber music performing, and arts management and advocacy. Having many interests will both make you more employable and will give you the opportunity to fine-tune how you are spending your time if things get stale. And I’d say cherish your friends in the arts – they may become lifelong collaborators.

Emily: My best advice for young musicians: learn to take precious care of your body and mind! A performing career can be physically and emotionally taxing, and you must be your own advocate every step of the way. Being a respectful colleague and retaining a curious spirit are also crucial!

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